extra terrestrial

Lets 2gether search Aliens

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Alien Encounter Filmed In Mexico?

A bizarre incident involving three boys and an alien entity has been made public in a southern Mexico community. The story is causing a great deal of concern and attracting a great deal of interest ...because the reported dramatic encounter was recorded on a cell phone camera by one of the witnesses.On March 20, 2005 at 2:00 am, three boys were playing with a ball outside their homes in Fraccionamiento Del Parque, a neighborhood in the city of Merida, Yucatán.David Espada and another friend who wants to remain anonymous were playing with a ball while José Alonso Herrera was recording them with his SONY K500i cellular phone just for fun.The teenagers were joking and playing on the sidewalk outside the houses and everything was normal for them. The sidewalk was well iluminated by several street lights. Then David Espada lost control of the ball and it rolled to a nearby post. David went to pick the ball while Jose Herrera kept recording and applied the 2x zoom following David.When David tried to pick the ball suddenly from out of nowhere a strange creature appeared from behind the light post and extended a long arm grabbing David's right arm.The entity was bald with yellowish white skin and was 'alien shaped.' The contact lasted just a second as David reacted...jumping and shouting: "It grabbed me!! It grabbed me!!" And then ran back to his friends and pointing back to the post and screaming: "It's there!! See it!? It grabbed me!!"As Jose Herrera was recording with his cell phone, he then applied a 4x zoom to the camera at the direction David was signaling. Surprisingly, the alien entity showed its head again out from behind the post for three seconds ...and then dissapeared.The three boys were in shock after confronting the unknown creature and ran away from the place screaming in terror. The whole incident was caught by the cellular phone's camera.That was not a pleaseant night to sleep for them. The next day they discussed the dramatic experience and decided to keep it a secret due to the bizarre nature of the incident. However Jose Herrera asked them to review the video from his cellular phone and to try to determine what could that weird creature might be.David Espada refused to look at the video. He was still shocked by the terrifying experience and told them: "I don't want to see that video ever, and I don't want to discuss it."According to their testimonials David Espada was so frightened by the event that he didn't want to go out at night for sometime and didn't want to go anywhere near that part of the sidewalk fearing his nightmare would repeat again. The story and the video remained a secret for several months until David managed to feel more relieved to talk about it with them.Some months later, David Espada and Jose Herrera, feeling more confident, told some close friends about their alien encounter experience.The reactions were always of laughter and skepticism but when they showed the images still on the cellular phone those laughs turned into surprise and shock. The alien encounter became famous among the kids in the neighborhood and became known to other boys in school as well.In November 30, 2005 Mexican researcher Jaime Maussan was in Merida giving lectures when he found out about event from some local researchers who told him about an ET encounter which had been recorded on a cell phone by three boys.Maussan asked to meet these boys to learn more about their story...and to see the video. A meeting was arranged and once Maussan talked to them and reviewed the video, he asked David Espada and Jose Herrera to go public...telling of their experience and showing their evidence. After some indecisiveness, they agreed.Jaime Maussan called me from Merida telling me about this case and invited me to join the investigation. The next day I received a copy of the footage for analysis and evaluation, as well as interviews with the witnesses and images from the location. During the interview, David Espada remembers when he felt the creature's hand grab his arm...a shocking moment he would never forget.David Espada: "I was going to pick the ball and I felt a very cold hand or claw that grabbed my arm and pulled me. It was extremely cold like an ice hand that freezes you and immediately it pulled me. I reacted in panic and jumped away screaming. It was an ugly being, some kind of weird creature with a long arm. Gives me the creeps to remember it.The video taken by Jose Herrera is clear within the limits of a cell phone camera. The images show a kind of unknown entity or creature that suddenly appears from behind a post extending what seems to be a long arm of some kind and grabbing David's arm, and then retracting it almost immediately as David jumps and screams. The audio portion of the video is good and reflects the dramatic moment of the contact.There is a second appearance of the entity when Jose Herrera applied the 4x zoom and the creature showed its head for three seconds and disappeared.According to measures taken by Jaime Maussan in the actual site the entity's arm may have measured around 1.20 meters since the distance between the post and the sidewalk is 1.37 meters. It is a very long arm and is an important element in this investigation.Also important is the narrow street post which is wide enough to hide the creature's body. This presents a major problem in trying to establish where such an entity might have come from.Both David Espada and Jose Herrera are well known boys in their neighborhood and school. They are honest and incapable of inventing such a story or perpetrating a hoax. When asked why they didn't report the incident to the police they answered: "No way, the police would have thought we were drunk or on drugs!! Besides, we were shocked and kept the experience to ourselves for sometime."David Espada was the most affected one and he confessed his own fears of returning to the location or to see the video.The story was just released on national television in Mexico by Jaime Maussan with the whole investigation, the witnesses, the footage and analysis performed.There are great expectations among the public to learn more about this story and to see the images of such a bizarre incident caught on the cell phone video. A variety of reactions are expected due to the complex nature of the event.Both David Espada and Jose Herrera continue maintaining their story and the legitimacy of the video.This is certainly a unique case of a rare nature not common in Ufology...a bizarre and fascinating story with important elements and solid evidence. For this research team, the case represents a major challenge.We have been evaluating and analyzing all the elements and evidence in order to reach a conclusion but the case still remains unsolved...Santiago Yturria

Friday, April 14, 2006

Alien Encounter Filmed In Mexico?

A bizarre incident involving three boys and an alien entity has been made public in a southern Mexico community. The story is causing a great deal of concern and attracting a great deal of interest ...because the reported dramatic encounter was recorded on a cell phone camera by one of the witnesses.On March 20, 2005 at 2:00 am, three boys were playing with a ball outside their homes in Fraccionamiento Del Parque, a neighborhood in the city of Merida, Yucatán.David Espada and another friend who wants to remain anonymous were playing with a ball while José Alonso Herrera was recording them with his SONY K500i cellular phone just for fun.The teenagers were joking and playing on the sidewalk outside the houses and everything was normal for them. The sidewalk was well iluminated by several street lights. Then David Espada lost control of the ball and it rolled to a nearby post. David went to pick the ball while Jose Herrera kept recording and applied the 2x zoom following David.When David tried to pick the ball suddenly from out of nowhere a strange creature appeared from behind the light post and extended a long arm grabbing David's right arm.The entity was bald with yellowish white skin and was 'alien shaped.' The contact lasted just a second as David reacted...jumping and shouting: "It grabbed me!! It grabbed me!!" And then ran back to his friends and pointing back to the post and screaming: "It's there!! See it!? It grabbed me!!"As Jose Herrera was recording with his cell phone, he then applied a 4x zoom to the camera at the direction David was signaling. Surprisingly, the alien entity showed its head again out from behind the post for three seconds ...and then dissapeared.The three boys were in shock after confronting the unknown creature and ran away from the place screaming in terror. The whole incident was caught by the cellular phone's camera.That was not a pleaseant night to sleep for them. The next day they discussed the dramatic experience and decided to keep it a secret due to the bizarre nature of the incident. However Jose Herrera asked them to review the video from his cellular phone and to try to determine what could that weird creature might be.David Espada refused to look at the video. He was still shocked by the terrifying experience and told them: "I don't want to see that video ever, and I don't want to discuss it."According to their testimonials David Espada was so frightened by the event that he didn't want to go out at night for sometime and didn't want to go anywhere near that part of the sidewalk fearing his nightmare would repeat again. The story and the video remained a secret for several months until David managed to feel more relieved to talk about it with them.Some months later, David Espada and Jose Herrera, feeling more confident, told some close friends about their alien encounter experience.The reactions were always of laughter and skepticism but when they showed the images still on the cellular phone those laughs turned into surprise and shock. The alien encounter became famous among the kids in the neighborhood and became known to other boys in school as well.In November 30, 2005 Mexican researcher Jaime Maussan was in Merida giving lectures when he found out about event from some local researchers who told him about an ET encounter which had been recorded on a cell phone by three boys.Maussan asked to meet these boys to learn more about their story...and to see the video. A meeting was arranged and once Maussan talked to them and reviewed the video, he asked David Espada and Jose Herrera to go public...telling of their experience and showing their evidence. After some indecisiveness, they agreed.Jaime Maussan called me from Merida telling me about this case and invited me to join the investigation. The next day I received a copy of the footage for analysis and evaluation, as well as interviews with the witnesses and images from the location. During the interview, David Espada remembers when he felt the creature's hand grab his arm...a shocking moment he would never forget.David Espada: "I was going to pick the ball and I felt a very cold hand or claw that grabbed my arm and pulled me. It was extremely cold like an ice hand that freezes you and immediately it pulled me. I reacted in panic and jumped away screaming. It was an ugly being, some kind of weird creature with a long arm. Gives me the creeps to remember it.The video taken by Jose Herrera is clear within the limits of a cell phone camera. The images show a kind of unknown entity or creature that suddenly appears from behind a post extending what seems to be a long arm of some kind and grabbing David's arm, and then retracting it almost immediately as David jumps and screams. The audio portion of the video is good and reflects the dramatic moment of the contact.There is a second appearance of the entity when Jose Herrera applied the 4x zoom and the creature showed its head for three seconds and disappeared.According to measures taken by Jaime Maussan in the actual site the entity's arm may have measured around 1.20 meters since the distance between the post and the sidewalk is 1.37 meters. It is a very long arm and is an important element in this investigation.Also important is the narrow street post which is wide enough to hide the creature's body. This presents a major problem in trying to establish where such an entity might have come from.Both David Espada and Jose Herrera are well known boys in their neighborhood and school. They are honest and incapable of inventing such a story or perpetrating a hoax. When asked why they didn't report the incident to the police they answered: "No way, the police would have thought we were drunk or on drugs!! Besides, we were shocked and kept the experience to ourselves for sometime."David Espada was the most affected one and he confessed his own fears of returning to the location or to see the video.The story was just released on national television in Mexico by Jaime Maussan with the whole investigation, the witnesses, the footage and analysis performed.There are great expectations among the public to learn more about this story and to see the images of such a bizarre incident caught on the cell phone video. A variety of reactions are expected due to the complex nature of the event.Both David Espada and Jose Herrera continue maintaining their story and the legitimacy of the video.This is certainly a unique case of a rare nature not common in Ufology...a bizarre and fascinating story with important elements and solid evidence. For this research team, the case represents a major challenge.We have been evaluating and analyzing all the elements and evidence in order to reach a conclusion but the case still remains unsolved...Santiago Yturria

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Space Tornado! Cosmic Front Packs a Punch

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

extraterrestrial people coming to earth

THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CARTER: "Or extraterrestrial people coming to earth, I don’t think that’s ever happened."EXCERPT:HYLTON: One of the promises you made in 1976 was that if you were elected, you would look into the reports from Roswell and see if there had been any cover-ups. Did you look into that?CARTER: Well, in a way. I became more aware of what our intelligence services were doing. There was only one instance that I’ll talk about now. We had a plane go down in the Central African Republic—a twin-engine plane, small plane. And we couldn’t find it. And so we oriented satellites that were going around the earth every ninety minutes to fly over that spot where we thought it might be and take photographs. We couldn’t find it. So the director of the CIA came and told me that he had contacted a woman in California that claimed to have supernatural capabilities. And she went in a trance, and she wrote down latitudes and longitudes, and we sent our satellite over that latitude and longitude, and there was the plane.HYLTON: That must have been surreal for you. You’re the president of the United States, and you’re getting intelligence information from a woman in a trance in California.CARTER: That’s exactly right.HYLTON: How did your scientific mind process that?CARTER: With skepticism. Whether it was just a gross coincidence or…I don’t know. But that’s one thing that I couldn’t explain. As far as covering up possible flights from distant satellites or distant heavenly bodies, I don’t believe in that, and there’s no evidence that it was ever covered up. Or extraterrestrial people coming to earth, I don’t think that’s ever happened.HYLTON: In a way, just the fact that you promised the American people you would look into it is reflective of how much of an outsider you were to Washington.CARTER: That’s true.INTERVIEW SOURCE:The Gospel According to Jimmy

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

UQ researchers reach the outer limits of space

If you've just come back from holidays and think it was a long trip, spare a thought for Dr Kevin Pimbblet. Dr Pimbblet, an astrophysicist with The University of Queensland's School of Physical Sciences, has been traveling to the edges of the Universe.He has just finished a decade-long project cataloguing clusters of galaxies that stretch almost 3 billion light years away. To give you an idea of how far that is, the nearest star outside of our solar system is 4.22 light years away. And not only was he looking at things a long, long way away, he was also looking at the biggest structures in the Universe. “Clusters of galaxies are the most massive gravitationally bound objects in the Universe,” Dr Pimbblet said. “These are some of the largest structures you will find, with the distance from the core to the edge of the clusters reaching up to 10 megaparsecs, or 32.6 million light years.” Again to put that into perspective, when you look up into the night sky and see our galaxy, the Milky Way, it is only 100,000 light years across.Dr Pimbblet said apart from cataloguing galaxy clusters in the southern hemisphere for the first time, his work is also helping us gain a greater understanding of how our Universe evolved. “One obstacle in our understanding is that many studies to date have only examined clusters of galaxies in isolation to their surroundings, an obstacle this research overcomes,” Dr Pimbblet said. “If we can't understand how galaxies form and evolve we can't understand our Universe.” Dr Pimbblet's research was recently published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Source: University of Queensland

Monday, April 10, 2006

Physics turns a corner with three-point turn atoms

Turning point: A single atomic ion is shuttled back and forth around a corner. Light scattering makes the corner electrode visible.You may think making a three-point turn in your car is easy, but how about doing the same with a single-charged atom?That's what scientists have achieved for the first time, marking a major breakthrough for physics and a first step towards creating the complicated labyrinth of 'atomic motorways' needed for a quantum computer. The microscopic motoring manoeuvre was performed by University of Sussex physicist Dr Winfried Hensinger with colleagues at the University of Michigan, USA. Details of the experiment are published in the January 2006 issue of the journal Applied Physics Letters. The ability to shuttle ions (charged atoms) in a controlled environment is seen as an important demonstration of how to harness the seemingly magical properties of atoms. This development will help scientists to store and analyse the vast quantities of data used in highly sophisticated calculations - in super-fast quantum computers. To be able to build this kind of computer, scientists need to trap ions - no mean feat in itself - then control their movements in a sophisticated labyrinth of 'atomic roads'. Such a process has previously been carried out for single ions along one line, but Dr Hensinger (now Lecturer in Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics at Sussex), and the Michigan team have shown how they can make atoms turn a corner. Keen for more driving pleasure, they even managed to switch two ions around by having them perform a three-point turn. This will hopefully allow eventually for the mass-manipulation of atoms, vital for the operation of a quantum computer.Ion traps are made from micro-fabricated electrodes, in which ions are controlled by electric fields in an ultra-high vacuum chamber. The new construction, the first two-dimensional ion trap array, is the most sophisticated yet. The ions are steered inside a T-junction that is laser micro-machined in thin layers of a material called alumina. Dr Hensinger says: "This is big news because it is very difficult to trap atoms, let alone manipulate them in transit. This and other recent developments show that it should be possible to build a quantum computer with trapped ions. Now we can take two atoms and swap them around, which mathematically corresponds to a fundamental requirement for a quantum computer. This is the prerequisite to go from something academically interesting to something useful. This is a quantum leap in the development of the quantum computer." Quantum technology could be used in the future to understand chemical reactions, create medicines, ultra-fast communications systems and seemingly impossible simulations, such as the creation of our universe. Source: University of Sussex

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Tidal Tales of Minor Mergers: Young Stars Where They Shouldn't Be

Optical image of the galaxy merger NGC 2782 showing the location of young star clusters which formed in the sweeping tails of debris after the collision. Even though the gas properties of the two tails are different, both tails show unexpectedly similar populations of young star clusters. This material was presented to the American Astronomical Society meeting in Washington, D.C. on January 11, 2006. (Photo: Karen Knierman, UA Steward Observatory, and Patricia Knezek, WIYN/NOAO)Arizona astronomers have discovered a population of what appear to be young star clusters where they aren't supposed to be. The newborn stars appear to have formed in the debris of the NGC 2782 galaxy collision -- debris that lacks what astronomers believe are some important ingredients needed to form stars.A large, Milky Way-type galaxy collided with a much smaller galaxy in the NGC 2782 collision. It's an example of the most common type of galaxy collision in the universe. Scientists believe that such collisions played an important role in the buildup of large galaxies in the early universe.If confirmed, these newly discovered young star clusters and their environment could help shed light on the process of star formation, especially in the early universe in regions far from the crowded, active centers of galaxies.Karen Knierman, a graduate student and Arizona/NASA Space Grant Fellow at The University of Arizona, and Patricia Knezek of the WIYN Consortium in Tucson, Ariz., have reported the research at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Washington, D.C.The astronomers found the star clusters by taking deep images of the galaxy collision with the 4 Megapixel CCD camera of the 1.8 meter (71-inch) Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) at Mount Graham International Observatory in Arizona.NGC 2782 lies about 111 million light years away toward the Lynx constellation. When the two galaxies of unequal mass collided about 200 million years ago, their gravitational pull ripped out two tails of debris with very different properties.Beverly Smith of Eastern Tennessee University and collaborators studied the optical and gas properties of these two tails and published their results in 1994 and 1999. Studying the gas properties tells astronomers about neutral hydrogen gas and molecular gas -- both important ingredients in star formation. Smith and collaborators found that the optically bright eastern tail has some neutral hydrogen gas and molecular gas at the base of the tail, and an optically bright, but gas-poor concentration at the end of the tail. The optically faint western tail is rich in neutral hydrogen gas, but has no molecular gas.Knierman and Knezek found blue star clusters younger than 100 million years along both tails, indicating that those stars formed within the tails after the galaxy collision began."That's surprising because the western tail lacks molecular gas, one of the key ingredients for star formation," Knierman said.Star clusters are thought to form from the collapse of giant molecular gas clouds. If this is the case, astronomers would expect to see remnants of the molecular gas which helped give birth to the stars.Given Smith's earlier observations of gas in the debris tails, Knierman and Knezek expected they might see star formation in the eastern tail, where molecular gas is clearly present. But they didn't expect to see star formation in the western tail, where no molecular gas was detected. Finding young star clusters in the western tail should prompt astronomers to question their current models of star formation, the Arizona team said."Do we still need a model of giant molecular gas clouds?" Knierman asked. "Or do we need a different model - perhaps one with smaller clumps of molecular gas that might have been destroyed or blown away when these energetic young stars formed?"Finding unexpected young star clusters in the western tail could help explain why stars form in other places where there may be little molecular gas, like the outer edges of the Milky Way galaxy or in the debris of other galaxy collisions, Knierman and Knezek noted."This has important implications in how star formation proceeded when our universe was young and galaxy collisions were much more common than they are today," Knierman said."Only recently have we become aware of the importance of the merging of small galaxies with larger systems in creating galaxies like our own Milky Way," Knezek added.Source: University of Arizona