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Sunday, September 03, 2006


Niburu (Planet X) - Explained(last site revision 5-1-2006)May 1,2006 For those of you thinking Nibiru doesn't exist then whyis the US now installing a huge telescope in Antartica (the onlyreal viewpoint for planet X) . See story hereThis page takes a while to completely open with the pics on it -have patience; it will be worth it.This site provides information on a planet x passage, both prosand cons. There is much evidence now suggesting this is going tohappen, we just don't know when, but it could be as soon as 2005.There are too many attacks on the messengers and too muchdisinformation now being put out by the PTB (NSA and NASA) todevelop complacency in the sheople to think this is just fantasyanymore, especially with the large number of comets now coming at usfrom the south that NASA isn't telling us about. See McCanney'slatest discovery and interview below. It is my conclusion X ISinbound and preparing for such a calamity becomes necessary, butyou have to make your own decisions. I am just a collective resourceof information giving pros and cons.See additional resource websites atwww.detailshere.com/additionalwebsiteresources.htmYou may also wish to peruse a vison atwww.detailshere.com/boothsmessage.htm that may be part of thepuzzle; and yet again, maybe it's just the old devil playing gameswith us.A good summary of current understanding of the Planet X problem canbe found here. Another good summary starts here.An explanation by a scientist can be found herepage at www.detailshere.com/scientist.htmA message from a retired army/NATO intelligence officer.A most complete description of what will happen when Niburu passescan be found here taken from a very complete website athttp://www.apollonius.net/cosmictree.htmltriple doctorate full disclosure prediction that we have lessthan2.5 - 3 years left to when it will pass at it's closest.Captain Niburu's new site with a couple really good pics of X onthe front pagehttp://mysite.verizon.net/res80iwt/planetx2004/Mark's newest book can be found at www.planetxinbound.comAlthough this site deals with incoming asteroids and what to do inthat event; everything is applicable to the Planet X survivalscenario - good information herehttp://personals.galaxyinternet.net/tunga/Interesting prophecies regarding Niburu can be found hereThere are references included below to specific pages on thezetatalk site; please read my section here , first, to put thisinformation into proper perspective as some may be credible and somemay not be. I present ALL information on my Niburu page from manydifferent sources so you can assemble a proper perspective of theissue based upon the amount of research you are willing to put intoit.Letters - refer to this section often as new lettersare continually added to backup the proof section.What's the problem?A NASA insider speaks outDo you choose to live?Cut to the chase!Radio talk shows on XPics of Planet X orbit and distances involvedOverall picture of what's to comeSynopsis of the current factsAdditional Website Resources - lots of good links to visit listedhereOrder a video of Planet X hereSome Facts about our EarthProofMcCanney informationMr. X FilesBible ProphesyDisaster PreparednessDiscussion GroupsIs the timing right?Coverup and DisinformationWho will determine your need to know about Planet X?Navigating after the pole shiftWhy Planet X??Asteroid impact in 2019?Galactic Federation NewsNibiru is an inhabited Planet and flagship???Conspiracy sitesInsight into how government will reactto the devastation of the pole shiftPlanet X found in bible codeJust who are the Annunaki?Link to Nancy Leider's archived radio talk showsBer's Shelter construction


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